Refund policy

We’re so convinced you’ll absolutely love our products, that we’re willing to offer a 30 day risk free money back guarantee. If you receive your order and are not satisfied for any reason you can return the product for a refund within 30 days of making a purchase.

Sale and clearance items

Only regular priced items may be returned, unfortunately sale or clearance items cannot be returned.

Shipping items

In order to return an order, you must contact us first.

You will need to attach a pre-paid return shipping label to the package and mail it to the address on the shipping label. You will not need to pay for shipping.

You must take care to ensure that the goods are properly packaged so that they will not be damaged while in transit. If the product is found damaged or used beyond what it takes for us to reasonably inspect it, then we may reject a refund.

Contacting us

If you would like to contact us concerning any matter relating to this Refund Policy, you may send an email to [email protected]

This document was last updated on April 8, 2021

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